While killing time in between meetings the other day, I drove west on 45th street to see what was out there. If you drive east on 45th street in Mangonia Park or Riviera Beach (I am not sure what area it is there) you will know that this is a risky decision. I had no idea what I might encounter out these ways, but I was bored and decided to try it.
I passed by a crummy looking shopping center while heading west and noticed there was a pizza place inside it called Romeo’s Pizza, so I decided to spin around and see what it was about. Upon pulling in and parking, I almost decided to leave before even getting to Romeo’s Pizza. There were numerous undesirables hanging around outside the stores nearby, some asking for money, others just asking for trouble. Not very comforting. Once I saw the closest one to me get distracted by a stopping car, I quickly walked in.