Featured Pizza Place

Rafi’s Pizza Boca Raton

A new pizza place named Rafi’s Pizza opened up in Boca Raton where Razzo’s was, and before that it was something else, and before that something else, and eventually the string leads to Joe’s NY Pizza which I think started the pizza craze in this location. So far none have succeeded, so another smart business pizza person decided to give it a shot. Some people just don’t do their research.



7 / 8
Slice Rating
Mister 01 Pizza Pie
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Slice Rating
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Slice Rating
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4 / 8
Slice Rating
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September 1st, 2021  -  0 Comments
5 / 8
Slice Rating
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April 19th, 2020  -  0 Comments
7 / 8
Slice Rating
Lions & Tigers & Squares Pizza
Posted By: Pizza Expert
April 5th, 2020  -  0 Comments