The Brickell area of Miami has really turned around, and established itself as a night time destination. They have tons of great restaurants, and a vibe that rivals South Beach on some nights. Arriving way too early to meet a potential client, since I anticipated traffic that didn’t exist, I noticed Mamma Caruso’s Pizza as I was circling looking for a spot. This wasn’t easy since their sign from road only says pizza not their name.
Eventually I made my way back, pulled in, and decided to chance eating in Mamma Caruso’s Pizza, even though there wasn’t another patron in site. Upon walking in, the friendly staff welcomed me (en espanol) but it was nice just the same. Although I didn’t understand if I should seat myself and wait for a server (I was obviously hoping this wasn’t the case), or order from the counter and then sit and wait. Maybe I should even order from the counter and just wait for the food. I chose option 2 and it luckily turned out to be the right choice. I ordered a plain slice and waited at the table for the slice to come out of the oven.