I like Renzo’s Pizza. It is pretty close to a New York style corner pizza place. It’s nothing special, but the pizza is good. Especially hot out of the oven.
Renzo’s in Boca Raton has a few tables, but its not a real “dining” experience. A major plus is they serve slices during the day, without having to have someone serve them to me. Renzo’s of Boca also delivers throughout the day and night. There are certainly a bunch of worse Pizza joints in Boca Raton.
On a scale of 1 to 8 slices, where 5 is Good and 6 is Really Good, I give Renzo’s a 5.
<a href=”http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/12/1533120/restaurant/Miami/Renzos-Pizzeria-Boca-Raton”><img alt=”Renzo’s Pizzeria on Urbanspoon” src=”http://www.urbanspoon.com/b/logo/1533120/minilogo.gif” style=”border:none;width:104px;height:15px” /></a>