
Yes Some Parents Go Out Of Their Way To Get Costco Pizza in Boca Raton

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Yes Some Parents Go Out Of Their Way To Get Costco Pizza in Boca Raton

Posted By: Pizza Expert
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!  Yes, I said Costco Pizza.  Anyone who has visited Costco before probably knows they have extremely cheap food, and one of the main things they serve is pizza.

Although the price of the pizza currently slips my mind, I am sure it is cheaper then regular places.  Usually cheaper prices, means cheaper ingredients.  It is hard to judge pizza that has been picked up and sitting around outside in the humidity, but, being the expert I am, I was able to put together a pizza review.

The pie was a decent size, but the crust was a little too puffy, and chewy.  The sauce wasn't put on too heavy, which is a good thing since the sauce wasn't exactly gourmet.  The cheese was alright, and they used a generous amount of it.  All together the pie just didn't taste like a regular pizza should, but for Costco, and for sitting out as long as it had it wasn't nearly as dreadful as a place like Peace a Pizza in Boca Raton.

My curiosity as to why the host got Costco pizza is more of what I am concerned with.  Costco in Boca Raton is not conveniently located in the center of town.  So if you live to the west or south in Boca, you have to travel miles to get there.  With the price of gas being almost $4.00 a gallon, is it worth having to travel up to 10 miles out of your way to get Costco pizza to save a few bucks.  Doesn't the cost of actually getting it, outweigh the savings?

To any parents reading this, or anyone in general who is thinking of throwing a party and ordering pizza from Costco, you should really consider if it is pretty much the same price to order from a quality place that delivers, and might discount the price if you buy in bulk.  Places like Casa L'Italien and Dominic's in Boca Raton are much finer choices. Rumors even have it that Nino's Pizza will soon be delivering!!  I will give Costco Pizza in Boca Raton 3 out of 8 slices.

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