Featured Pizza Place

Amato’s Pizza Boca Raton

amatos.jpgMany places seem to fear the reviews they will get from us after we eat there. Usually this is due to their poor quality, or lack of knowledge making pizza. Amato’s on the other hand took the proactive approach and invited the Pizza Experts in to try their pizza and review it. This says a lot about their confidence.


7 / 8
Slice Rating
Mister 01 Pizza Pie
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January 13th, 2023  -  0 Comments
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October 7th, 2021  -  0 Comments
5 / 8
Slice Rating
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September 4th, 2021  -  0 Comments
4 / 8
Slice Rating
Posted By: Pizza Expert
September 1st, 2021  -  0 Comments
5 / 8
Slice Rating
Posted By: Pizza Expert
April 19th, 2020  -  0 Comments
7 / 8
Slice Rating
Lions & Tigers & Squares Pizza
Posted By: Pizza Expert
April 5th, 2020  -  0 Comments