Ed. Note: This is the inaugural post from a new writer Jim!
I’m sorry, but all these New Yorkers here are so finicky, even whiny when it comes to their pizza. And, coming from Chicago all it really is to me is bread and cheese with red coloring finger painted on posing as sauce. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy NY pizza and I have to because there are very few Chicago style places in S. Fla (and I aim to find them).
But the reality is that I can toast a Pita, splat a little sauce and cheese on it…and even pepperoni… and be just as happy. The problem with this is…I HATE to cook and I LOVE pizza.
So, while I will rate the same places as Craig and Matt, my angle will be different and deliberate. I like substance and volume of toppings when it comes to pizza. And since I often do the low carb thing and leave much of the bread behind, topping quality and quantity is paramount.