In what can be another stupid move on behalf of a large corporation, Kraft hires a PR agency named Weber Shandwick to handle a twitter campaign for DiGiorno Pizza. Yes, you have read me correctly, they actually hired someone for a twitter campaign to reach out to influential tweeters in the sector to host a pizza tweetup, and try DiGiorno’s new flatbread pizza. Who more influential then the Pizza Experts to host one? Not only do we run @pizzatweetup on twitter already, but have a tremendous presence in our personal accounts and on the @worstpizza account. Our following, is specifically following us, for their love of finding quality pizza.
So here’s the rocket scientist idea the PR firm came up with. They will find these “influential” tweeters and deliver DiGiorno Pizza to the events, and hope that the attendees enjoy the pizza and spread the word. There is no doubt that DiGiorno is one of the better frozen pizzas on the market, and I actually think they are the number one selling brand in the freezer aisle’s pizza shelves, but to launch a new flatbread pizza to a bunch of cheapskates, who are looking for free food is not a good marketing plan. A good marketing plan is to launch it to a group of pizza connoisseurs, who actively participate in a pizza community. Their advice to friends if they like the flatbread pizza, will get Kraft ten fold the amount of cheerleaders, then just supplying them to a random crowd. For example, it is a safe bet that if you have a pizza tweetup, with members of twitter who religiously follow pizza news, they will ALL tweet out their opinions on the pizza. Their friends most likely look to these members, as the person they get their pizza advice from, and will retweet it. Nothing more effective then this.
The geniuses at their PR and advertising agencies, have not defined what an influential tweeter is, but they are in the process of working it out. Way to go Kraft, you hired a group of people who haven’t even defined who the core audience should be. Well done! Some guy Mr. Moe said “it’s the quality of interaction we’re going to have with these folks who are passionate about relevant new news”. I guess pizza fanatics do not qualify as folks who have quality interaction. Kraft is hoping for fuzzy, yup that is right, a fuzzy return on investment measurement. How about this for fuzzy….My reviews reach over 10k readers a month, who come here for one purpose… PIZZA. Doesn’t take hiring a PR firm to let you know, that a pizza tweetup in Florida with me, will have far reaching effects. Something that no random tweetup based on popularity of followers would ever have.
Our twitter account is open, and waiting your invitation! @worstpizza