Pizza Time Boca Raton
For an ex-New Yorker, South Florida has long been home of the Worst Pizza. But indisputably, Pizza Time of Coral Springs, FL has stood out tall as being unlike the competition. There pizza isn’t good, it is GREAT. They brought a second location to Parkland, FL. I am not sure if they were connected by the same owners, or family, or if it was just a similar name, but the Pizza Time in Parkland is also very good. So it was with delight that Mrs. Pizza informed me, that in my very own hometown of Boca Raton Florida, at the location of a former Sal’s Pizza near The Fresh Market, she saw the following sign: Coming Soon, Pizza Time of Coral Springs.
Immediately after they opened the staff here at worst pizza dot com rushed for an early review. This Pizza Time was a lot smaller than the other two, and did in fact look like the ubiquitous Sal’s Pizzas that seem to be on every corner. But the comparison ends there! There was a nice crowd of people, and a great selection of pizza’s to choose from. In deference to my guest, Pizza Expert, we ordered a nice fresh hot Sicilian pie. While we waited, we both asked ourselves the same question and finally had to discuss the issue. What was that noise? The Pizza Man was yelling; at everyone and no one in particular, making it a not so pleasant environment to be around. It was hysterical, and actually a bit disturbing that he would treat his staff this way. The place wasn’t that busy and he was just barking out orders at his staff. I had to ask the waitress for the scoop. Apparently, Bob, the owner, was the owner of the Coral Springs location (I am not sure about Parkland). There he gathered the reputation as being a Pizza Knotzie. He retired but was driving himself crazy. So when this joint became available he bought it.
OK. Whatever. He may be loud, but he makes good pizza. When our pizza came, we couldn’t get enough of it. I never ate as much Sicilian in one sitting. It was very, very good. However, the finish was a little cakey. A Great Sicilian, although thick, is light as air. Not spongy. Still, the Sicilian gets 6 out of 8 slices. I am looking forward to going back to the Pizza Time of Boca Raton for more, and to try the regular pizza (and the rest of the menu).