Bianca’s Italian Pizza at South Florida Fair
And yet amidst all these temptations it is still the siren song of the pizza that drags us to it. Calzone, Stromboli, stuffed and with just about any topping, there are more pizzerias at the South Florida Fair than a small city. Last year it was Griffs. This year Biancas Italian Pizza. They are all here. Many don't even have names. I don't even consider them.
Biancas Italian Pizza is in a convenient location, near the Kandu Magic Show. I grabbed a plain slice. It was nice and cheesy. Should I mention the attendant had 2 teeth? It is the South Florida Fair, so no surprise. I liked that they had plenty of condiments, garlic, crushed pepper, 'regano, cheese etc.
The pizza was ok, nothing special. But I am back at the fair. Thinking about a fried bologna sandwich and a BIG bag of kettle corn. What could be better. I will give it 3 out of 8 slices.
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