Two Amys Neopolitan Pizza Washington DC
On a recent trip to Washington DC, knowing my passion for pizza my friend said we had to try this new place. "It was great." Now let me get something straight. I HATE hearing this. It never is. I didn't come to DC for pizza. And my friend hadn't even been there herself, so whose recommendation was this? But I had no choice. I was not a happy camper.
This changed quickly as I saw 2Amys Neopolitan Pizza in the distance. It looked like something out of the Amalfi Coast, but in a new way. It's hard to describe, but it just looked right. Maybe it was the BIG WHITE oven, or the vibe of the staff and customers and more importantly the smell. It was heaven. And the Pizza lived up to it. It lived up to the reputation, It lived up to the look of the room, It lived up to the smell, It lived up to the 45 minute wait. It was heaven. It reminded me of the week I spend in and around Naples. This is the real deal. Pools of mozzarella cheese, fresh ingredients, herbs and spices with real flavor. The crust was delicious. A nice char without being burned. Just like in Italy, I would break a piece off and dip it into the sauce puddles. My friend had a calzone that was just as delicious. In a city not known for its pizza (where I was first introduced to Domino's, Pizza Movers, Papa Johns, Jerry's 3.99 Large Pizza), I couldn't have been happier.
I will make it a point to go back to DC just to revisit 2 Amy's. 7 out of 8 slices.