Time Square Pizza Fort Lauderdale, Fl
Slice Rating

After running around Fort Lauderdale doing various odds and ends, I found myself in the East Oakland Park area. I was told in the past that there was a great pizza place in this area called Times Square Pizza and I figured now would be the time to check it out. Times Square is a small New York style pizza parlor (hence the name). There are 5 or 6 tables inside with 2 tables just outside, the decor is a mixture of NY landmarks and Miami fan favor. It takes me back to my days of growing up in NY. The pizza kitchen work area is about the size of my Guest Bathroom but, these guys prove that you don't need a lot of work space to make a great quality pizza pie. I ordered two slices, 1 meatball, 1 mushroom and asked for them "well done". Well done meaning not burnt but crispy so that the pizza crunches when you bite or cut into it. My biggest pet peeve when it comes to a good slice is the crispiness of the slice. Nobody in South Florida, until now know what "well done means".
If I pick up a slice, fold the crust to hold it and the front end of the slice drops out it makes my hair stand. This slice was so hot that when I was cutting into it, the plastic fork started to melt. I went through 1 knife and 2 plastic forks to eat 2 slices, that is a nice hot slice of pizza. Now keep in mind each slice had 1 topping, when I picked it up and folded the crust there was barely any bend to the tip of that slice. A good sign from the start.
The slice was excellent. The sauce was a great combination. A little sweet and a little spicy. The tomatoes were not clumpy and there was an even amount of sauce and mozzarella. The only thing I didn't like about the slice was they chop up the meatballs in to small pieces, I like them sliced into thin circles and placed on the pizza like pepperoni. A small set back to a great slice of pizza. With the way that the economy is right now for the more than fair price of $5.25 for 2 Slices and 1 can of soda, I proudly rate this slice 6 out of 8 slices. Kudos to you Times Square Pizza. Keep kneading the dough!