The First PizzaTweetup at Tucci’s Pizza Boca Raton
After tweeting about it for a month, we finally held the first PizzaTweetup in South Florida. Last night 34 pizza lovers from Twitter gathered at Tucci's Pizza in Boca Raton.
A little history on how the event came to be. Tucci's Pizza recently opened up where Red Rock Pizza used to be in Boca.
After trying Alberto "tucci's" pizza, I was amazed with how good it tasted. I suggested that maybe he presents his pizza to a targeted group of pizza lovers from Twitter, who could help spread their Tucci's Pizza experience after they tasted a slice. Alberto loved the idea and we started to think of the best night to have the tweetup.
So at 7pm, we gathered in front of Tucci's and walked in together to find out seats. I was so happy to see @surflocal and @allisonross come down from West Palm Beach, and @vicequeenmaria, @modulista, & @enzobalc come up from Miami. I am sure I am missing plenty of the other attendees who came from all over, but just wanted to plug a few names. After a little bit of a wait, and many drinks later for many, Alberto and his staff started to serve the group some complimentary pizza. A video of some first bites can be seen here courtesy of @oweno. Love the way @tamifrommiami and @malcolli bit into theirs!
Needless to say, everyone loved the pizza. This was honestly a great event, with some awesome people. I am not just saying this since I organized it. Everyone was extremely social to one another, no shortage of mingling, and what a better way to do it then over some delicious pizza.
Thank you to everyone who came and made this event what it was. We will start planning on monthly pizzatweetups, and Alberto has offered out his place to us on a Monday, when he is normally closed! That is how much fun he even had.
Thanks to @allisonnazarian @thedudedean @murrayiz @loritodd @amandastewart @nubarter @michaeldelicio @pbarbanes @prevensneider @art404 @jesseeka4510 @annluck @diy_pam @chrismoreschi @marklaymon @voisherb @garyschultheis @fredneil2 @heraldsports @valpass @scottiardella @rebeccafsu @elaine_cyr for hanging with me. I am so so sorry if I neglected to put anyones names in here. I was doing it off the top of my head and I am certain I missed several! It is nothing personal, I swear.
Please leave some comments as to your thoughts on the pizza below!
Thanks @worstpizza