Stella’s Pizza Boca Raton Not Perinni’s Anymore
At first we thought that Perinni's Pizza in Boca Raton was going to close for good. Later we heard rumors that they were trying to move into the Peace a Pizza location on Yamato, this was never confirmed. Then we heard they were closing again. Just when you thought the saga was coming to an end, we heard they were looking at the location where Bloomin Newmans pizza was. I couldn't take all the speculating stories being sent to me, so I decided to look beneath the cheese and see what might be going on out west in Boca Raton pizza land.
Perinni's Pizza has been located in the Boca Green shops for years! They had a nice family run business and when you went there with your child, the staff hung the pictures they drew, and gave them free Italian Ices. It was the type of place that deserved to do well. The only thing I disliked about eating there, was how filthy it used to be. Although it is nice to hang the drawings on the wall, it would be equally as nice to take down some of the ones from college kids who are no longer children!
As you might have previously read, Perinni's Pizza announced they weren't closed for good, and were staying put, but redoing the place. This was long overdue. So the other day, one of our readers emails me to inform us that there is a new pizza place, in what used to be Perinni's Pizza location. The new place is called Stella's Pizzeria. Then other emails come in enlightening us that Stella's is actually still owned by the family that owned Perinni's Pizza but that the son and father had some sort of split and the son changed the name. Rumors also have it that the son kicked the father out, although this is pure speculation at this point. When we find out the actual details we will update this post.
Since I was out on 441 today, I decided to go and try a slice while my wife was getting her nails done (next to Brooklyn Boys, which has been steadily on the downturn since the days of Tony).
Stella's looked substantially more inviting since the remodel. Although the update were minor, it just seemed cleaner then it used to. What I find amazingly odd, is why they didn't put in a counter and left the same stupidily placed pizza making area. It is like you walk in and wait at the soda machine to order a slice and hope someone sees you, or you can block the waitress entrance to get their food for pick up and tell one of them. Obviously another pizzeria, that considers its patrons to be moronic and does not let you simply order your slice and sit down and eat it. It is a neccessity to have a server hand it to you DUH!
When my pizza was handed to me, I snapped the photo and began to walk and eat it. Immediately I was very impressed with the crust and how it held up. It was super crispy and not overcooked. It tasted great as well. The sauce had a nice sweet feel to it, and wasn't chunky, which is a huge plus to me. If the cheese tasted a little bit better, I think I might have enjoyed it more. Next time I go in, I will find out what cheese they use. Maybe the slice was just out for too long?
Stella's pizza gets 5 out of 8 slices, and if you are in the neighborhood it is worth giving it a try.
<a href=""><img alt="Stella's Pizzeria on Urbanspoon" src="" style="border:none;width:104px;height:15px" /></a>