
Rumor Mill – Nino’s Pizza in Boca Raton Sold

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Rumor Mill – Nino’s Pizza in Boca Raton Sold

Posted By: Pizza Expert
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We are getting early word that Nino's in Boca Raton, Florida has changed ownership to one of the shareholders instead of Nino himself.  Supposedly Nino has relocated his main operations to his Delray Beach location.  Should the quality of the pizza at Nino's change due to the new management, Boca Raton will be losing one of their finest pizza places.

I haven't had a chance to go in and try the pizza since the change, but usually any change turns into a negative.  After trying the slice I will let you all know if it has gone down the tubes.  An early report from one of our readers, has indicated the pizza is terrible.  STAY TUNED!

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