Porto Fino Pizza Huntington, NY
Was psyched to see an old high school friend while I was back in Long Island visiting my parents. He suggested we meet in Huntington Village and grab some food. As we walked down the block we noticed Porto Fino Restaurant and Pizzeria and figured we would give it a try.
When we were seated I was told by the server that I couldn't order slices in this section. He mentioned I could only order pies. Since it was their policy I wasn't going to argue, but it seemed silly that slices couldn't make it to this part of the dining room. After asking him nicely, he agreed to let me get a slice of Sicilian to try if I ordered something else as well. Good job upselling, but I had to try the pizza out.
Porto Fino Restaurant in Huntington was pretty big inside. As you walk past the pizza counter you are greeted with a nice variety of sliced pies waiting for the late night crowd that must bombard this place when the bars let out. Nothing really caught my attention, but I figured I was here and I might as well try the Sicilian. I ordered the slice eventually from the server and got some mozz sticks as well.
The Mozzarella Sticks came out first and they were cold and kind of gross. Extremely generic ones, and I have had better at Arby's in my personal opinion. I hoped this wasn't the case with the pizza. Hopefully they added some quality ingredients and made their pies with care.
My slice came out with my buddies pasta. It looked nice at first glance. Although the cheese had shifted around the slice while the server was carrying it, the crust appeared crisp and the sauce wasn't poured on and drowning the slice. My first bite revealed a decent sauce. It wasn't overly sweet the way I enjoy it, but it wasn't bitter either. The cheese used wasn't the highest quality but it was adequate on the slice. The crust was crisp and had great consistency. The crust was the best part of the slice in my personal opinion.
Porto Fino Pizza in Huntington, NY, isn't a place I would rush back to, and I would think they would step up their game knowing they are competing with an Island favorite.....Little Anthony's, which is down the block. It wouldn't take much to make this slice better. A cheese like Bacio or Grande would certainly help.
Porto Fino Pizza in Huntington gets 4 out of 8 slices.