Pizza Time Boca Raton Margherita Pizza
We noticed something new the other day at Pizza Time in Boca Raton. On the display counter were a half dozen or so of these new looking pizzas. They called them Margherita pies and told me they are so addictive he guarantees I will come back for them. Guess he didn't realize I don't really like chunky sauce, and thick fresh mozz cheese, but we tried it anyways.
Even when the pie came out baked, it didn't look like the thick mozzarella cheese baked right, and when I bit into it, it was almost the consistency of taking a piece of cheese out of the refrigerator and eating it (just a little warmer). I was told that they go through like 20 of these pies a day, and people consider this the best pizza in South Florida. Personally I disagree! I think Pizza Time in Boca Raton has some amazing pizza, and would actually pick it over some of the other establishments that are closer to me. Their Sicilian is great, and they have a version of an upside down Sicilian as well.
For the price of this Margherita pie, it just isn't something I will try again. But if you like chuncky tomato sauce, with loads of basil, (as you can see we only got half with basil, since I don't like it) and you like thick cut fresh mozzarella cheese, then you might really love this pie. The crust however, was exceptional. I would like to get a pie with this crust, and their regular sauce and cheese. This is one of the few times, that my expertise might be off. And just because I didn't really care for it, does not mean it isn't as good as others say. Jim agreed with my sentiments as well, and said he wouldn't pay the price again. If you go there and try it please leave me a comment about why you like/dislike this pie. I, for one, will continue to get their traditional pizzas instead.
Pizza Time gets 5 out of 8 slices for this Margherita.
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