Pizza Stop West Palm Beach, FL
Was with Raph the other day coming home from a Radio show when we got a call from a client to help out one of their sales associates and curious if we could meet her at a specific shopping center in West Palm Beach. Since it was literally down the block from the radio station, we agreed. Arriving early (like I always do), I realized there was a pizza place in this shopping center, where we were supposed to meet the salesgirl. Too bad we agreed to Panera, instead of pizza. Anyways, since we had more than enough time to grab a slice at this pizza place called Pizza Stop, I did.
Pizza Stop in West Palm Beach wasn't the busiest of places, and when I walked in it kind of felt like nobody who worked there even knew I was there. This might be in part to the way the counter is set up. You first walk in and then have to make a right, to walk down this long counter top before anyone notices you. I finally caught the eye of the Eastern European staff and asked for a plain slice. They rang me up and I waited at the counter, trying to make out what language it was that they were all speaking. It didn't sound Russian, but maybe it was Polish? When the slice came out of the oven, it looked hot, and crunchy, and I was excited to try my first bite.
Upon looking at the enormous slice as I moved it towards my mouth, it became evidently clear that they burnt the front of the slice, and yet still managed to think it was good enough to serve me. Any polished pizza maker would have thrown this slice out and reheated me a new one. Since I had to leave to meet someone, I didn't necessarily have the time to get a new slice so I just tried this one. The slice appeared to be crisp and looked like it would hold up decently, but once I got past the burnt front part, it became a bit more flimsy.
The cheese didn't taste like it was a quality brand, and in my opinion, Pizza Stop should consider choosing a better tasting cheese. It would make a huge difference in the quality of your pizza. The sauce was good but was a bit spicy for my liking. One thing I did love about this place, is that you can order your slice and sit, without the nuisance of a server coming over to bring you the slices.
Pizza Stop in West Palm Beach gets 4 out of 8 slices