Pizza Plus in San Clemente, CA
Although I usually have a place in mind, when I roll into a town, sometimes I like to play pizza roulette, and take my chances on any one of a dozen goofy factors, i.e. largest yellow pages ad, 3rd pizzeria on the left, and like that. This stems from adventures some buddies and I used to have back in the day, when we would take a deck of cards to the airport on a Friday nite, draw two cards, and subsequently go have an adventure (for example) at the destination of the 4th flight leaving from the 3rd counter. Ah, those were the days. The places I have (wished i hadn’t!) seen! LOL.
San Clemente, for pizza, last week, was just such an adventure. I hadn’t planned on being there, but found a lovely little motel that was soooooooooooo cozy. I hadn’t planned on getting a pizza, but I saw a number of places driving down El Camino Real, so I played the game and said “I will stop at the third one I see.”
It was called Pizza Plus, and by all indications, it looked to be not so hot. It was a weekend nite, the guy was leaning up the counter, bored out of his wits, not busy baking, and teenagers were in abundance in the parking lot, but apparently not interested in pizza.
There is a small chain in the East with the same name, and I don’t think this one is related, tho search engines would lead you to believe it is.
So for $15, I got the all meat special, it was pretty good, lots of toppings, pronounced bacon flavors, more than adequate cheese, slightly sweet sauce, and a crispy and doughy crust. Italian sausage was “New York style”, that is, link Italian sliced thin on the bias. This is not my favorite presentation, but the flavor was good.
I will give Pizza Pus 6 out of 8 slices.