Phil’s II Pizzeria and Restaurant Massapequa, NY
Slice Rating

In a half vacant shopping center in Massapequa is where you will find Phil's II Pizzeria and Restaurant. I was out visiting some family and they suggested we try Phil's Pizza out since they thought it was some of the best pizza around the Massapequa area. Someone offering me a chance to try some great pizza? Of course I didn't say no.
Phil's II Pizza was filled to capacity on this Sunday night. Many seemingly appeared to be regulars, based upon the way the staff and management greeted them. Phil's II Pizzeria and Restaurant serves up large portions of plain vanilla Italian fare in what is politely called a really tacky Italian restaurant complete with awful tacky street scene paintings.
While the basic Italian food is fair at best, where Phil's II Pizzeria and Restaurant in Massapequa excels is at its pizza. Unlike the sauces used in their Italian dishes, the pizza sauce on the regular slice was incredibly tasty. It is exactly what you want to taste when you bite into a slice of good pizza. Each slice covered with ample high quality cheese that dripped almost no oil. The crust was firm but could have been cooked a bit more since it was soggy on one side.
Despite the lack of crispness the crust possessed, the slice itself soared in taste. The review of regular slices is equal in all aspects to the Sicilian slice I tried here as well. My family finished all those slices before I could grab a photo, and I forgot to take one of my own!
All-in-all the basic Italian meals here are fair at best. The portions are too large and a little overpriced, but as for the pizza it's top notch and one of the best I had all year during my many visits to Long Island. My suggestion ask for your pizza a bit crispy and you can have a slice up there with the best out there.
Phil's II Pizza in Massapequa gets 7 out of 8 slices.