Papa Johns Pizza Boca Raton Delivery
Pizza. Although I intended on leaving prior to the pizza coming, I must say I was impressed with the speedy delivery time. Ordering from their online site was pretty easy but that is all the nice things I could say.
For the price of Papa Johns extra large pie, I would rather order from a mom and pop shop that takes their time. Papa John's pizza in my opinion is extremely overpriced and you are not getting any sort of bargain by ordering from them. Even with the coupons, it is sometimes cheaper to go to a local place that doesn't push out pies like a GM assembly plant.
As I was leaving I decided to try a slice. It is incomprehensible how people actually order this place. If you wanted to order rubbery crust, with poor quality rubbery cheese, you might as well take your bike tire and put some Polly-o string cheese on it. Papa John's gets a huge thumbs down in my opinion and I will make every effort to avoid ever ordering this crumby tasting crap again in the future. Even if my son puts up a temper tantrum. I think his fascination is with their garic dipping sauce, and not the actual concoction that they pass off as food.
Papa John's Piiza get 1 out of 8 slices.