Nino’s Pizza Boca Raton Made Me Matzo Pizza
Since the owner of Nino's hasn't already won we me over, by serving some of the best pizza in Boca Raton, Forida, a couple of nights ago he ensured I could never forget him. We were eating at this other place in Nino's shopping center and I figured I would stop by and say hello to Marco, the owner. I saw a box of King David Matzo sitting on the counter and asked why he had it. He explained that him and the owner of Pastrami Queen were experimenting the other night with making Matzo (Matza) Pizza in the real pizza oven. When he offered to make me one, I couldn't resist. Considering that it was actually wasn't that bad. Just goes to show you, that if you use quality ingredients in your sauce, and high quality cheese, you can make anything taste decent. This Matzo Pizza tasted better then some of the other locat places around town. Here are the photos: