Mr. Pronto Pizza Restaurant Boca Raton
On our way to buy some holiday gifts down in Coconut Creek, we passed by the spot that used to house Tony's Authentic Brooklyn Pizza, and realized it had reopened under a new name. Mr. Pronto Pizza Restaurant did some minor redesigning, applied some ugly color paint on the walls, and took down some of the photos that once adorned the walls, and seem to be taking a gamble at making this location work.
Once Tony vacated this location, the investors took back the joint and tried to make pizza there, only to realize that without Tony, there is no chance of making this horrible location work. The strip mall, houses a massage parlor (not the type your wife would allow you to go to), and some other grade D type of businesses. The only reason I used to travel this far out of my way, was to get a slice of Tony's pizza.
The landlord must have thought he hit the lottery once a new pizza place showed interest, in this hidden location from the road, and hopefully Mr. Pronto got a heck of a deal for making an attempt at a successful business here. This is the second location for Mr. Pronto, and you can try their original store on 45th street in West Palm Beach.
Anyways, enough bashing on the location, let's discuss the pizza at this place and see if they have what it takes to bring me back. We walked into Mr. Pronto pretty late in the evening, and they only had a few slices left in the display case. We looked the menu over, as the nice guy behind the counter pushed us to sit and then order. Since I wasn't looking for waiter service, I stood by the register and ordered, a slice and some garlic rolls (not knots here). When the slice came out I noticed he gave me two instead of one, I guess since they were about to throw them out anyways. He applied some fresh cheese on top before baking it, to try and hide how many hours the slices had sat out.
After eating most of the slice, he came back to ask me if I liked it and I explained that the bottom was burnt and the slice was pretty stale. He actually agreed with me, and told me he would be happy to make a fresh pie, just for me to have a good slice. That scored major points with me, but it wasn't something I required. He insisted that we come back sometime in the future to try a fresh pie, and I agreed, since he had a great attitude about my otherwise negative comments.
Since the pie was so stale, it was hard to gauge the quality. The crust seemed like it was cooked too well the first time (probably about 8 hours prior) and the second overheating didn't help much either. The cheese layered on top of the old cheese tasted ok, but it was hard to get a read on the sauce.
Mr. Pronto's staff not only gave me 2 slices for the price of 1, but tried to put on some fresh cheese, to give me a decent experience knowing the pie was old. For this I will actually come back and eat again to give another review and hope that I have a better slice.
One thing Mr. Pronto's owner should know: Your staff is very nice and attentive to your customers needs. You are lucky to have employees who actually care about building your business and making sure your patrons are happy.
Mr. Pronto gets 3 out of 8 slices. But I am sure this is going to change the next time I go back in!