Mississippi Pizza Pub Portland, Or
! Someone should tell Mississippi Pizza that they are long overdue for a website redesign!
Mrs. Burgerdogboy and I were off to the Mississippi Avenue Street Fair in Portland, yesterday, one of dozens of summer fetes city neighborhoods have to offer. We wandered the mile or so of the closed off street and glanced, or in some cases (like Mr. Green Beans), perused and purchased local wares.
We were down near the south end of the fest when we started to want a little liquid refreshment and nourishment. As the booths covered the signage of the sidewalk merchants, and we weren’t familiar with the neighborhood, we wandered into the first open door that looked inviting, and it happened to be the Mississippi Pizza and Pub.
Apparently known as a great local music venue, Mississippi was doing a brisk business in slices and cold drinks on the 5th day of Portland’s annual summer heat wave.
We scored a table, and could see the slice offerings counter from where we sat, Mrs. BDB did the ordering (and paid!) for our lunch. I went with the “fancy meat” slice, and she had the “fancy vegetable slice”, with a local brew for her, and a cold $2 PBR for me. (I am a lover of cheap beer!).
The slices were $3.50 each, and were popped in the oven for a quick reheat. Normally, if I am getting a slice from a counter, I don’t ask for the reheat, but it was the standard offering here. The slice offerings varied a bit from the M’s standard menu, but were amply-sized, and very tasty. The crust was that special combination of a crispy edge and chewy middle, New York style, and had a nice “New York foldability.” Toppings were not all that generous, and while the Fancy Meat did have some “fancy meats”, the accompanying vegetables (mushrooms, black olives, onion), were not fresh chopped. The “fancy veggie” slice skipped the red sauce in favor of a pesto, which Mrs. BDB liked very much.
The usual array of pizza condiments (garlic, cheese, peppers, herbs) topped each table, and we were able to rest our weary dogs for an hour or so in a pleasant window seat, drinking our brewskis, before venturing back out into the crowds of the fair.