Mauro Pizza Hollywood Florida Best Pizza
Slice Rating

Mauro's Pizza-By-The-Slice in Hollywood, Florida is located on 1904 Hollywood Blvd. It's really simple why I love this slice of pizza: Cheap, greasy, huge delicious slices right next door to my favorite bar in Hollywood. Mauro is great because it knows exactly what it is. It's a hole-in-the-wall, cash-only joint with outside-only seating that caters to the locals who've been out for a night of drinking and need some grease to line their stomachs to prevent an impending hangover.
There's nothing fancy about it. No gourmet Italian cheese. No fancy charred crust. Just a nice marriage of the right amount of sauce, a nice fluffy crust and plenty of foldability. If there's a negative about Mauro, it might be an excess of grease. But after a few craft beers at PRL next door, I say bring it on.
For $2.50 you get a hot cheese slice that needs two paper plates to hold its weight. For around $14 you get a humongous pie so wide you can barely fit it through a standard door frame. Take it to go and sit right outside at their few patio tables (if there are any left) or hang on to the slice and eat it on a bench down the block. I brought a Florida friend originally from New Jersey to Mauro recently and she said it was the closest pie she'd had to the New England stuff since she's lived here. I thought that said a lot. 5/8 slices.