Joe’s Brooklyn Pizza Henrietta, NY
The first stop when I arrived in Rochester, during my previous trip was at Joe's Brooklyn Pizza. Joe's Brooklyn Pizza is located in a suburb of Rochester known as Henrietta. I actually almost forgot about this place, until I was looking through my notes, so my apologies for writing about it out of order. After getting a chance to speak with The Rochester Pizza Guy during our car ride in the frigid rain to Joe's Brooklyn Pizza, I learned that Rochester actually has a nice group of pizza lovers, and pizza places to satisfy their cravings. He didn't pick Joe's Brooklyn Pizza because it was the best, he picked it cause he thought it was a nice place to start, outside the city, since we probably wouldn't get out these ways during the remainder of my trip.
We pulled into a strip mall that you would pretty much find anywhere in America nowadays. Joe's Brooklyn Pizza just looked like a normal pizza place, which upon entering, I was happy to see didn't have servers, like many of the idiotic places down where I live. We made our way to the counter and checked out some of the slices they had available. Joe's had a nice variety and I would have liked to try the grandma pizza, but discovered they put shallots on that slice, so I just went for the regular slice. Normally I would try the Sicilian, but they didn't have any slices of it, anyways I needed to pace myself for a Rochester Pizza marathon.
Joe's Brooklyn Pizza wasn't extremely crowded when we got there, but it appears to be a place that many of the Henrietta locals go for take out. When the slice came out, the guy behind the counter actually brought it to our table, which was nice of him. I lifted my extremely hot slice up, and went in for my first taste of Rochester Pizza. The slice at Joe's Brooklyn Pizza tasted quite bland. It wasn't like there was anything specifically wrong with it, it just wasn't as tasty as I would have liked. It could probably be due to the excessive coating of flour on the bottom of the slice, which although made for a stiff feel, kinda dulled the taste. Otherwise the crust was cooked pretty accurately. The cheese tasted like your run of the mill average pizza cheese, not the best, but not the worst. The sauce had some weird type of kick to it. Some type of herb concoction I suppose, and I wasn't totally crazy about it. Safe to say the sauce was my least favorite aspect of this slice.
In my opinion, the best pie I had in Rochester was at Tony D's, and the best slice I had was at The Pizza Stop.
Joe's Brooklyn Pizza in Henrietta, NY just outside Rochester gets 4 out of 8 slices.