Jack’s Pizza Delray Beach
Stu told me he knows of the best pizza place around, in Delray Beach. It is called Jack's NY Pizza. Jack's Pizzeria is located on 14856 S. Military Trail
Delray Beach, Fl 33484 561-638-5552. Although I had passed it numerous times, I never thought to stop in and try it, cause something about the shopping center gives me the creeps. Since they recently (year or so ago) updated the shopping center, I thought it would be ok to try it. Besides, in my opinion, you can always tell a lot about a persons taste buds, based upon where they recommend the pizza expert to try.
We were seated at a table in the restaurant section. Unlike many of the idiotic pizza places around town, Jacks Pizzeria also has counter service, where people can actually carry their own slices to their tables. Amazing how everyone can carry their own food to the table at this place, yet the other dumbo owners seem to think a waiter/waitress needs to be present. Big G ordered us one Sicilian and one Regular pie as I was washing my hands. This sounded fine to me since I would naturally like to try one of each anyways. While we were sitting there I noticed, that Jacks doesn't seem to really care about the safety of their patrons. Look at these photos from the table we were sitting at:
Although it is hard to tell from the photos, what you are looking at is a crack in the glass, covered up with scotch tape! Instead of just investing a couple of bucks to fix it, they instead thought it would be wise to just tape it and pray a patron didn't slice their wrist apart. Jack's Pizzeria = Smart on counter service on one side, and DUMB on customer safety.
Once the pizza came out, I tried the Sicilian first. Something was off, the cheese was ok, but the sauce lacked substance. Very bland, and with tomato skin. I found myself wiping off most of the sauce and pouring on Parmesan cheese to help it taste better. the dough was decent, but nothing to earn it extra points. The regular slice was definitely better then the Sicilian slice, but still wasn't nearly as great as Stu had portrayed it to be.
See here is the problem guys....if you are going to tell me, the pizza expert, that a place is good, it better be good or I tend to dislike it more then I normally would since I went there with expectations. You are better off mentioning that you enjoyed a place, and not refer to it as the best, and then perhaps I might just go to enjoy a slice, instead of looking for perfection. Stu, I hoped we learned a lesson today. Leave the pizza ranks to the experts. Although I appreciate your trying to help me locate the "best pizza", this place was far from the best. On the other hand, Big G, really seemed to like this pizza, which is a bit odd since him and I normally think the same thing about pizza tastes. I might have to have him examined!
Thankfully Jared was also at the table and told me to eat across the street at La Bella Vita, and that is where I found Tony, so big props to Jared!
read review of La Bella Vita Pizza in Delray Beach here: http://www.worstpizza.com/2009/03/la-bella-vita-pizza-delray-beach/
In my opinion Jack's Pizzeria gets 4 out of 8 slices.