
First PizzaCookoff Anthony’s Coal Pizza Aventura

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First PizzaCookoff Anthony’s Coal Pizza Aventura

Posted By: Pizza Expert
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teamlamonica.jpgWe have our first ever Pizzacookoff winner!  Last night The Sun-Sentinel, WorstPizza, and Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza, together with almost 70 pizza enthusiasts crowned Mike Lamonica as the King of Homemade Florida Pizza Recipes.  Mike and his throng of loyal #teamlamonica fans were there to witness the voting tally.

Mikes Vegetarian Nightmare (not pictured here) won in a landslide victory with 31 votes.  For his efforts, Mike received a $50 gift card to Anthony's, a Full Vehicle Wax courtesy of The Ultimate Car Wash with locations in Dania and Parkland, and bragging rights forever!

Here is some video footage of the event.  Part 2 will follow soon.  A huge thanks out to Owen O'Malley of UStarVideos for filming this event.  We highly recommend Owen for any video you may need.

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