First Chevy Pizza Crawl was Amazing
Saturday marked the start of a new endeavor for the creators and readers of We have teamed up with Chevrolet Cars to hold monthly #chevypizzacrawl events. Our first event took place at 5 pizza spots throughout Palm Beach County. Safe to say this was one of the most fun pizza events I have held, and cannot wait until next month for our second pizza crawl. This will most likely take place throughout Broward County.
When Chevy first approached me with this event through the brilliant Stephanie Carmargo (@midtownchica), I instantly knew it was a golden opportunity not only for Chevy and Worstpizza, but for the lucky pizza places we would choose for the "tour." These hand picked pizza shops would get access to thousands of new eyes on the social web, and looking back through the tweets and updates, it was invaluable for many of them.
You see the purpose of this chevypizzacrawl, was to introduce members of our social community down here to Chevy vehicles, and to further bring awareness to little mom and pop pizza joints that they might have never found otherwise. We achieved both throughout the day, in more ways then we could fathom.
Personally, I am completely sold on Chevy being "cool" again. Never would have I walked into a Chevy dealership prior to this event. I hate the car buying process, and usually do not go around to different dealers to see what car I want. Acura was great to me in the past so I usually stick with them. After getting an Infiniti as my last car, I am wishing I never strayed from Acura. But now chevy has thrown a monkey wrench into my car buying experience. The Tahoe was amazing, and now I think I want one, or maybe even the 6cyl Chevy Malibu now. Other Car companies should be ashamed at themselves for not coming up with an idea like the PR folks at Chevy. Out of the 20 participants in the chevypizzacrawl, almost 4 of them appear to be seriously contemplating getting a Chevy this year. That is a 20% possibility of getting 4 sales. I would love to see any of the millions Chevrolet spends on magazine and billboard advertising bring them the same ratio. THIS EVENT WAS A WINNER, for Chevy, for, for the Pizza Places, and for the Participants!
Stay tuned for the chance to win a seat in our next event!
Thanks to @oweno from U Star Videos for making this incredible video of the days events. You can become a fan on Facebook.
Thank you to @jarret23 and @agustinap for these photos so far!
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