Dominic’s Pizza II Boca Raton
Was out shopping with my parents the other day. That is right, they came to visit YAAAY! Anyways, we ended up going to the Home Depot out on Glades Road in Boca Raton. There is a pizza place in this shopping center that I have been meaning to review for some time, so I headed over to grab a slice while my father went into Home Depot.
Dominic's II Pizza is a place I don't get to eat at enough, and for a good reason. I happen to think the guy who runs Dominic's I, is one of the classiest pizza owners I have come across (Marco at Nino's is extremely high up there as well.) Since Dominic's I Pizza is closer to my house, located maybe 2 miles closer on Glades Road then Dominic's II it seems pointless to travel out to the other one.
I ordered a Sicilian slice, and really thought this was delicious. It was not only tasty, but the crust was simply perfect. This is one of the better thick Sicilian style slices I have had in a while. Dominic's didn't skimp out on the size of the slice, and there was a generous amount of cheese, without an exorbitant amount of sauce.
My only issue is with the price. I think the total came out to $2.77 for a slice of pizza. For this same price I think I am more inclined to go somewhere else and not come out of my way to have this. If I am in the area that is one thing, but to travel miles to have to spend that amount is a bit nuts. That coupled with the fact you have to sit down and have a waitress or waiter carry the paper plate of pizza to your table (DUMBEST THING EVER) are the two negatives I could find. Actually wait, the counter help could be a bit friendlier as well. Good thing the pizza tasted as amazing as it did. And since it was so good I will still give the Sicilian Pizza at Dominic's Pizza 6 out of 8 slices.