Rotelli’s Pizza Boca Raton – Not Even Close To Being World Famous
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Rotelli’s Pizza Boca Raton – Not Even Close To Being World Famous
Posted By: Pizza Expert March 26th, 2009
Went to Rotelli's in Boca Raton, over by the tri-rail station the other day with Big G for some lunch. I never realized this, but their menu claims that they have world famous pizza! Yup this little chain of pizza places has some of the WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS PIZZA! HA HA HA HA
Here is a photo to prove they make this claim.
I do not think that some of the best places I have tried in the world make a claim like this. Places like Spumoni Gardens and the like could make claims like this all day. But how could they, when Rotelli's is in fact making some of the Worlds Famous Pizza. This brings us to a good point. If a pizza place has to advertise and write down on their menu that they are the best, or world famous, or anything similar, it is usually because they are not and need a way to make you try their mediocre pizza anyways.
Today's pizza did not taste so great in my opinion. This is a major problem with Rotelli's.....consistency. You can go to the same place twice in a day and taste two very dissimilar pizza slices. You can go to two different Rotelli's locations back to back and taste pizza that has nothing in common. If you watch them make the pie while you are sitting down waiting for the waitress to bring you the slices, (since the walk to the counter 2 feet I think) since it could be dangerous to get them yourself and sit down, you will notice they don't even look at how they are making the pizza. Just rush rush rush, get it in the oven and move on. A place like Rotelli's, at least in this location by the tri-rail station only has a lunch crowd. This means if you deliver quality pizza to your lunch goers, you will have them ordering at night. Obviously this is not the case in this location. The place is pretty much dead during the dinner hours.
Rotelli's gets 3 out of 8 slices for today's visit and I think I will have to just stop going to this location since sometimes it is good and sometimes it is so so. Cannot take the chance that it will be so so anymore. One good point to Rotelli, is that they happen to at least have a decent website!