Bar Frites Pizza Greenvale, Long Island
Slice Rating

Bar Frites Pizza Greenvale, Long Island
Posted By: Mad Greek July 26th, 2011
Just about anyone can get into the pizza game nowadays. By all rights thay should, including McDonalds, and even Dunkin Donuts at some select locations. I'd like to think of Pizza the way a bond trader looks at a yield curve from the risk free excellence of Johnny's Pizza in Mt. Vernon down to the junk one might find at Filippo's in New Brunswick, N.J.
American Grills, French Bistros, Mexican Cantinas and, as hard to believe as I've just heard through the grapevine, Japanese Restaurants are edging artesian pizza in on the menu, yes you heard me right.
Learning of the recent re-gentrification of the menu at Bar Frites in Greenvale, I dallied over there on Friday night to try one of several very interesting artesian bar pies on their new and improved menu. I wasn't a huge fan of it in the past, but hopefully the changes they made were for the best, and everyone deserves a second try.
I tip my hat off the the chef on his well balanced and delicious Provençale (pronounced Pro-vin-sahl) artesian pie. Fresh grilled zucchini, roasted glaze onions, house made fresh mozzarella and oven dried tomatoes, make this a delightful little feast for pizza lovers. Again, here as was the case with Vic & Angelo's, the center cuts have a slight droop to the end. If I had gone slightly more well done on the pie. Little Miss Provençale would have scored a solid 7.
Bar Frites in Greenvale gets 6 out of 8 slices for my recent visit. I have a feeling it could only get better, and look forward to trying it again.
Kudos to Bar Frites and the Poll Brothers for letting Pizzettes invade the eclectic menu and into our bellies. I should have probably tried the plain one, I will do so next time. Also, please excuse the photo, as I know it is a bit dark.