Another Great #Chevypizzacrawl
For those that missed this event, I profusely apologize. You missed one of the best days that could have been had in South Florida. Not sure where to even begin....
We started our adventure at Ed Morse Chevrolet in Sunrise, right near the Sawgrass Mills Mall. After being greeted with some homemade AMAZING cookies from @beahbunnie we were all given a #chevypizzacrawl shirt. We proceeded to mingle a little bit and get to know each other, and then we were read the details of the events. Immediately after this, I threw some keys and some attendees and we went on our way to the first stop.
I chose to drive in the Tahoe, that I personally drove there after using it for the week. That truck is missed in my household already, and my butt still misses the air conditioned seats. I will especially miss speaking with the kind folks at OnStar everyday. What a great service to have in your vehicle!. The first stop was at Antonio's Pizza-Rant in Davie. @midtownchica suggested this place, and I really wish she didn't. Although the pizza at Antonio's was just average, they were the only place that just didn't seem to embrace the whole "social" thing and rather looked at it as all business. As you will see later on, most of the other pizza places outdid themselves with gifts to us. Although Antonio's gave a discount, I cannot see any of our attendees racing back there to try it again. I think they fall into the old mentality, that many pizza owners subscribe to. They think that a discount will get them the business, when in fact, all they have to do is be social and participate with their community. Just having a Twitter presence is sometimes enough to have a customer choose you over your competition. Hopefully Antonio's will learn this before they close one day. They should contact The Pizza Experts and get some help in this arena.
Once finished with the lame first choice, I got into the Camaro and had a nice long drive over to Pizza Fusion in Fort Lauderdale. These guys, classy as always, had the pies ready and waiting for us when we got there. Although their Honest Tea, was awful, the pizza was great. It is pretty incredible how they get such a good tasting pie, using such healthy ingredients. The only thing in most attendees opinion to say in all Honesty about Honest Tea, is that it smells and tastes like ......... I guess I won't say, but you fill in the blanks. Pizza fusion manages to impress me with their attention to all things Social. Their online presence can be seen and felt everywhere. Go ahead and type something to them on Twitter and see how long it takes for someone from the company to respond. Have a problem? They will make it right. Pizza Fusion was kind enough to give us a $25.00 gift certificate to raffle off to an unsuspecting participant. The winner of this was @loritodd. I hope she will wait and use it on the anniversary of her birthday we celebrated at Pizza Fusion last year. Maybe she even wants to invite me to come with her and enjoy the card (hint hint). We were happy to hear Lori will also be going to Pizza Fusion during their next charity event.
From there we headed over to Slice Pizzeria, in Downtown Fort Lauderdale. This time around, I was in the Equinox. Their hospitality leaves me speechless. They went every which way, out of their way, to make us happy. As if the free pizza and soda weren't enough, they proceeded to give us free icees, and then surprised us with stamped cards for lunch, and t-shirts even. The pizza tasted great, and if you are downtown and looking for a great slice of pizza, from one of the most friendly staffs around, I suggest you go to Slice! They gave us 2 $25 gift certificates. @hilldestadk and @chrisfullman were the lucky winners.
Somehow I ended back up in the Tahoe for the next leg of the journey, which took us all the way up to Coconut creek. It was also during this journey that @johnnybond86 got more then just free pizza on this tour (lol). You can thank @jarret23 later Johnny. Amici's Pizza is a place that you might have never seen from the road, but a place you DEFINITELY are going to need to try. This could be the best pizza in Coconut Creek. The owners (who are usually always present) greeted us with pizza, meatballs (delicious), soda, tiramisu, a birthday cake for @jmariedirect, and mini bruschetta bread. And just when you thought it was over, they gave each and every participant a free bottle of wine to take with them. This place exudes nothing but CLASS, no matter how you slice it. Make sure to go and give these guys your business, they not only deserve it, but appreciate it. They also gave us 2 $25 gift certificates to award to participants. @laurenlisap was one of the winners, and I will have to check who the other one was!
The last, and sadly final stop of the second #chevypizzacrawl was at the newly opened Sicilian Oven, in Coral Springs. This time I drove in the Malibu, which is quite luxurious for the price. The Sicilian Oven is always a hit and they provide some of my favorite wood fired pizza in South Florida. They put out salads, and wings, and pizza galore, it was incredible. We had the raffle here for some gift cards to BP Gas, and The Sicilian Oven gave us 2 $25 gift cards. @matancer067 won one, and @msurabbott won the other.
@jungljim and @iamjeffcohen won a copy of my new book Do It Yourself Online Reputation Management. Hope you enjoy it guys!
Thank you to everyone who won a spot and came out to have fun. I thank the great folks at Chevy, and more importantly I thank 4 out of the 5 places for treating us like we were royalty. See you all next month in Miami!
Here are photos from the event courtesy of @jarret23 and @thedudedean
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