Anna Vincenzo’s Pizza Boca Raton
The last stop of our Boca Raton pizza tour, was at Anna Vincenzo's in the 5th Avenue shops. 1930 NE 5th Ave (561) 362-8990. You know how they say "save the best for last?" Well this place was definitely the best of the least according to me. My son really liked La Pizza, but at least we both agreed on the grossness level of Primavera.
A little history of Anna Vincenzo's Pizza in Boca Raton....Anna Vincenzo's used to be Carlucci's Pizza until the current owner bought it from them. The current owner was trained by her father who used to own a pizza joint in Jackson Heights queeens I think it was. He used to work there when they first bought the place, but I haven't noticed him behind the counter making pies in a while.
As I sat there waiting for my slice, I watched the pizza guy (who appeared from central america) making the pizzas. All I could say is I was amazed at the time and patience he put into each and every pie he was making. This guy was obviously trained by a master and it really showed. He stretched the dough out perfectly, he used a generous amount of sauce and cheese, and made sure to put the same amount of seasoning on each pie. This leads to obvious consistency from pie to pie. My slice was a bit oily, but it tasted great. The crust was crispy, the taste was great, and the cheese was awesome to say the least. My son didn't really care for this slice, but I think it is because he cannot hang with the big guys on a pizza tour and got too full to fully enjoy it.
I cannot attest for the regular pie out of the oven, but their slices are damn good. Anna Vincenzo's in Boca Raton gets 5 out of 8 slices. Congrats on the baby as well CICI.