Think You Make The Best Pizza? Now You Can Prove it!
We are happy to announce the 1st annual Homemade Pizza Cookoff. The Sun Sentinel is teaming up with Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza and to host a pizza cookoff Nov. 10 in Aventura.
Want to enter? Fill out the online form telling us – in 100 words or less – what makes you a pizza star and which Anthony’s toppings you would use.
Contestants will be chosen by restaurateur Anthony Bruno, Sun Sentinel restaurant writer John Tanasychuk and founder Craig Agranoff. Based on public votes, six finalists will go head-to-head at Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza in front of a live audience that will serve as judges.
I know we usually do not believe in charging for any of our events, but since it is all going to charity, we decided to charge an admission fee, which is only $5. All proceeds going to The Dan Marino Foundation. Admission includes fountain drinks and samples of the finalists' pizzas.
There will be a prize, including bragging rights, for the first-place winner.
Click here for the entry form. Deadline for submission is 6 p.m. Oct. 30.