The Real Umberto’s Of New Hyde Park Long Island
My actual first stop when I landed in Long Island was at Umberto's of New Hyde Park. When I lived in Long Island, this used to be my favorite place. Their Sicilian is certainly one of my favorite slices of pizza. This is the true original Umberto's pizza, and not the phony Umberto's of Long Island one located in Deerfield Beach.
I ordered 2 Sicilian slices and one regular. The Sicilian was just as I remembered it. Crispy on the outside, airy in the middle and one of the best sauces I have tasted on a pizza. Their cheese is top notch, and the display of the pizza is equally as wonderful. The regular slice is above average, but after having the Sicilian it was hard to compare. Maybe I should have just tried the regular slice first. In my humble opinion, I think this pizza mixes fantastically with grated cheese. Not that the pizza itself doesn't taste close to perfect without any help, but there is just something about the combination of their fresh grated cheese on this Sicilian that mixes perfectly.
Last time I was in Umberto's of New Hyde Park, Umberto told me he was planning on opening a place in Boca Raton. I will keep my fingers crossed that he finds a place, and doesn't change a thing about his current recipe. There is very no reason to ever wonder why Umberto's became so successful. Umberto's uses the finest/freshest ingredients he can buy, and puts care into each and every pie he pulls out of the oven. I am giving Umberto's of New Hyde Park 7 out of 8 slices.