The French Fry Fairy and Worstpizza Attend Free Pizza Day at Tucci’s Pizza
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The French Fry Fairy and Worstpizza Attend Free Pizza Day at Tucci’s Pizza
Posted By: Pizza Expert January 24th, 2011
Saturday, to celebrate being named a top ten pizza place in the country, Tucci's Pizza elected to give out free pizza to anyone who came between 12-4pm. Needless to say it was JAMMED, with hundreds of people at any time throughout the event.
The French Fry Fairy and myself met there, and shot some video together. I love spending time with Beth, she is so much fun and has a laugh that can cheer anyone up.
While I was sitting at Tucci's I was so happy for letting the world know about my secret pizza place, since even I had to now wait in line to grab a slice.