The Ale House Boca Raton Pizza
Recently I noticed that The Ale House on Yamato Road in Boca Raton was offering a new menu item...PIZZA! Does it get any better than watching football games on dozens of screens and having the ability to order pizza fresh out of the oven while you do so?
When the waitress came by, I couldn't order this pizza fast enough. The way The Ale House in this Boca Raton location was promoting it on their menu, I knew I should be in for something tasty, full of quality ingredients, and worth coming back for. Unfortunately this wasn't the case in my opinion.
When the pizza came out it just looked outright messy. The photo will show you how sloppy it looked. It was a decent size for the price and based upon the outer crust, the pizza seemed to be crispy. I took the first slice, and after finally getting all the cheese and sauce that fell off the actual pizza, I took my first bite.
The first bite revealed a crispy crust as I had suspected. It was tasty, but not in that sort of pizza parlor way. The cheese and sauce were extremely reminiscent in my opinion of that square type of pizza you buy in the frozen food section. Actually combined with the crust, it really tasted like that sort of frozen pie. Some people love Ellio's Pizza so maybe this is a good thing for the Ale House in Boca Raton.
Here is the thing....if you want to watch the football games in a noisy atmosphere with all your buddies and high five each other after every play the Ale House is the place to go around here. If you happen to love pizza like I do, and you happen to be at The Ale House, you will most likely order this pizza again since it is on the menu. Plus if you happen to have absorbed a lot of alcohol (I don't personally drink) I am sure this pizza will taste delicious to you.
The Ale House in Boca Raton gets a 4 out of 8 for this pizza.