Rotelli Pizza Boca Raton – Worth another slice
Here is something you have not seen me do lately, and that is actually say I was pleased with a recent experience! My next door neighbor loves Rotteli, and have always had mixed feelings about the chain. It is a franchise but the quality and taste of stuff from location to location is far from the same. The pizza at Rotelli in West Delray Beach tastes substantially different then the crappy pizza at the Rotelli in Central Boca Raton. Since my neighbor swears by the one that I think is awful, it was hard for me to keep an open mind the first time we tried the new Rotelli by the Tri Rail station. So naturally I didn't like it.
Keith and I decided to venture there yesterday and try out the food. When the pizza came, it was hot, gooey, crispy and perfectly thin. If I didn't order a sandwich for my main dish I would have probably had 3 more slices. Maybe this was just a good day for Rotelli, but compared to the crap I have eaten that tries to pass itself as pizza, Rotelli was a pleasant surprise for my taste buds. I will give Rotelli in Boca Raton by the Tri-Rail station 5 out of 8 slices, and will certainly be going back to try again and make sure they are consistent.