Pizzatweetup at The Sicilian Oven in Lighthouse Point
Last night we had another PizzaTweetup. This time we all descended upon The Siclian Oven in Lighthouse Point. Approximately 58 pizza lovers and friends came to try out their amazing pizza, and grab some drinks. Not even hail and a mini hurricane kept our die- hards from attending.
Last time I made the mistake of including the names of everyone who attended, and then I heard complaints all month long about the placement of their names and the order they appeared, so this time I will not name everyone individually. Just know I remember each and everyone of my friends who were there and thank you sincerely for attending. Pizza lovers from as far as Miami, and even Wellington came!
The event started at 7pm and most showed up right on time. We started serving the pizza at around 7:30pm, with a Pepperoni Pie that came right out of the beautiful wood oven they use to cook with. For the next 2 hours, pizza arrived hot & fresh and was brought around to everyone, making sure each person had as many slices as they could possibly eat. There was no shortage of pizza this evening. Besides the normal plain pie (which is remarkable here), the owners Andrew and Ralph even brought out Sicilian style and Vegetarian Pizza. If you couldn't find a slice to eat at this event, then you just do not eat pizza.
I would like to thank the owners of The Sicilian Oven for their hospitality and the free pizza. Your staff is some of the finest I have encountered in my Pizza journeys. Attentive, funny, and full of life. The owners even gave out 3 gift cards to random attendees who tweeted about them. @twittgoddess won $10, @thedonz won $25 and @mattmaschler won $50! Congrats guys, I hope you enjoy your return visit.
Special thanks to @oweno from Ustar Video for making this amazing video below!
We also thank @fsutoby from Tilson PR, for bringing all that free Dunkin Donuts stuff to hand out! Much appreciated Toby! Our attendees even received free car wash certificates from @ultimatecarwash!
Thanks everyone once again for making this such a spectacular event. See you all next month. I haven't chosen the place yet, but you can bet it will only be at someplace good!