Mamma Caruso’s Pizza Miami
Slice Rating
The Brickell area of Miami has really turned around, and established itself as a night time destination. They have tons of great restaurants, and a vibe that rivals South Beach on some nights. Arriving way too early to meet a potential client, since I anticipated traffic that didn't exist, I noticed Mamma Caruso's Pizza as I was circling looking for a spot. This wasn't easy since their sign from road only says pizza not their name.
Eventually I made my way back, pulled in, and decided to chance eating in Mamma Caruso's Pizza, even though there wasn't another patron in site. Upon walking in, the friendly staff welcomed me (en espanol) but it was nice just the same. Although I didn't understand if I should seat myself and wait for a server (I was obviously hoping this wasn't the case), or order from the counter and then sit and wait. Maybe I should even order from the counter and just wait for the food. I chose option 2 and it luckily turned out to be the right choice. I ordered a plain slice and waited at the table for the slice to come out of the oven.
While waiting for the slice, I couldn't help but notice the loud annoying music playing from above. I mean, I am not one to love Spanish music, but this was almost impossible to tolerate. I cannot see how anyone would actually want to hear that crap. Ahhhhh my slice is ready, I can forget this noise, disguised as music and concentrate on eating what I hoped to be a delicious slice of pizza. I was amazed to see how huge this slice in front of me was. The photo above doesn't do it any justice. It was enormous.
My first bite revealed that the sauce had too much of a spicy taste for me. It almost burned my throat going down. Way too much pepper in this mixture. The crust was cooked decently, and I have no complaints regarding its consistency. It tasted average, but sometimes average isn't so bad considering some of the other stuff I have eaten in the past, which passes itself as pizza crust, but tastes more like boboli. The cheese tasted just fine, and it was probably the best part of the slice.
Although I was not overwhelmed with Mamma Caruso's Pizza in Brickell, it should be mentioned that they have a take out special $8.95 for 16 inch pie, and I think that is a pretty good deal for the area. They are also opened until 5am. So even though the pizza wasn't exceptional, the service and the fair prices on some items, should make it a place you try at least once.
Mamma Caruso's Pizza in Miami gets 4 out of 8