European Cafe Kosher Pizza Boca Raton
A kosher friend of mine asked me if I would join him and give my honest opinion of the pizza at the European Cafe in Boca Raton. Never being one to decline an invite for some pizza, I naturally accepted.
Finding a Kosher pizza place around South Florida is not that easy. Besides the logistical trouble, there is also the trouble of finding good pizza that happens to be Kosher. In Boca Raton we have Jon's Place, which I never really fancied.
I ordered a plain pie from a server who apparently was not a very religious guy. I am going to have to check into the beliefs to see if it is ok to have non-kosher cooks and servers in a fully kosher environment, and still have the food considered kosher. It probably is ok, and accepted since most of the staff here wasn't very "kosher" looking.
When the pizza came it looked decent enough. It wasn't anything I started salivating over, but I have seen worse at plenty of other places. My first bite wasn't too bad. If I hadn't known it was made with kosher ingredients, and I had my eyes closed, I would have assumed that this was normal pizza at a place that didn't use the best quality ingredients. It kind of shocked me that this kosher pizza was better then some of the regular places around town who skimp out on the level of quality in their pizza.
Although the dough wasn't anything to write home about, and the sauce wasn't the texture I like, I would say that European Cafe is probably the best kosher pizza I have had in Boca Raton. Considering I have only had one other, I would say this is a bold statement (lol).
European Cafe gets 4 out of 8 slices.