Chubby’s Super Subs and Pizza Tampa Bay
Thanks to Blackened Sun for this review!
A month ago I stumbled upon Chubby's Super Subs and Pizza, a place on Bayshore in Tampa. I just had my second trip to Chubby's (it's about 5-7 minutes from work), and I figured it was a good time to review.
The first time I heard of Chubby's, a coworker mentioned it. I happened to find their website after we ordered the food, and saw that the owners started the place using a pizza style from Massachusetts. Being from Central MA myself, and absolutely LOVING the pizza made at small scale places in the region (like Espresso in Fitchburg, or the Gardner Ale House in Gardner), this certainly got me pumped and excited for when my pizza showed up in the office.
I got a 10" Pizza with Pepperoni and Onion both times. This helped for me to check for consistency for this review, though it wasn't my intention.
The first time lived up to my desires, and blew me away. It was loaded with sauteed/cooked onions, the best kind of onions for pizza, in my opinion. It had just the right amount of cheese, and the pepperoni were few and scattered but fresh, but still in every bite. The crust had just the right amount of fluffiness. Thin, and crispy. The sauce sweet, but subtle. The pizza was otherworldly and I devoured it so quickly I guarantee you I probably set my gastrointestinal health down deeper than it ever has been... Heaven on Earth!
I'll have to admit, however, that the pizza I had yesterday was not as amazing as the first time. The onions looked a little over-sauteed, starting to caramelize. The first time they were just softened, and clear white. The sauce did seem to stick out a LOT more on this second trip out, as well, at first ruining my interest in the first slice, but quickly forgotten by the time I took a bite in the second. The crust was the same as the first time.
Overall, it is my favorite place for Pizza down here in Tampa, thus far. Due to the slight lack of consistency between both of my trips, I rated it a little bit lower, but it still remains freaking awesome!
I rate this place overall, however, slightly low. I do not believe in a perfect score for anything, and I have had places that a couple places that I would prefer over it, if they were nearby. So overall, I rate this 6 out of 8 slices.